I started a new part-time job about a month ago. There was excitement because it’s in the music business so it’s something I’m actually interested in. The not so exciting part? Having to memorize a ton of information needed to perform the new job.

When I was younger, I had no problem memorizing stuff. In school, I had zero issues remembering the spelling of words or history facts in Social Studies. Even when I was in my mid-thirties, I was proud of myself for being able to rattle off all the airport codes when I was in flight attendant training.

Fast forward to present day and a brain that has a lot less cells, and I am finding it harder to absorb all the information I need to perform my job duties. It’s not that I can’t remember any of it, it’s just taking a lot longer for the facts to sink in. Just like I’m finding it harder to come up with someone’s last name or a character from a favorite TV show. It’s frustrating.

At first I was wondering if I am going to be able to learn all of the material to be able to work on my own after training. I was tempted to say forget it, but I am not a quitter, so I am doubling down on my efforts to memorize the information before my next training session. I am bound and determined to prove to the managers and to myself that I can learn the facts and do a good job. I am woman, hear me roar!

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